The 5 Purchases Every Entrepreneur Should Make

by | Sep 11, 2021 | Starting A Business

Jodie Cook wrote a list at Forbes of five purchases every entrepreneur should make. She suggests that entrepreneurs can set themselves up for success by making the correct purchases.

This makes sense from a stewardship perspective. The products in your life directly affect how you present yourself and spend your time. They can have a direct result in you doing better work, reaching more people, and being propelled faster into success.

She suggests an “Impressive Tech Set Up” becasue, “if your message is truly worth sharing, don’t risk it being ignored by poor production quality.” I agree with this to an extent, but I don’t want this to break the bank and stop you from pursuing your goals.

This microphone is what Danny uses for the Stewardship Podcast. It’s less than $150 and has 4.5 stars on Amazon with over 10,000 reviews.

This webcam is similar to what Danny uses for his virtual coaching sessions. It's less than $50 and has 4.5 stars and over 15,000 reviews.

So yes, get the tools you need to do the job well. After all, we have been commissioned to work with excellence as if we’re working for the Lord, but you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to get the tools you need.

Cooke suggests getting a great journal. A daily journaling habit means the messy cloud of thoughts in your head can be translated into words and sentences from which trends can be drawn. It maximizes your sense of self-awareness and it can mean plans and ideas spring to mind. One entry a day, however short, over time can become a powerful tool for progress.

Danny is kind of a journal snob, and only a Moleskin will do the job. Likewise, you have to use good pens. These are the pens Danny likes, but I prefer sparkly gel pens. And I’d love copic markers but I haven’t been able to convince Danny to buy them for me yet. Maybe if you guys email him and tell him I really need some copic markers he might buy them for me.

Cooke’s remaining suggestions highlight the importance of stewarding your health including your physical, emotional, social, and mental wellbeing. She suggests that you buy tools for comfort because without serving yourself it’s impossible to serve others to the best of your ability. The best version of you operates on plenty of rest and high-quality sleep. The worst version is knackered, irritable, and trapped in short-term thinking patterns brought on by lack of sleep and perspective.

One of our favorite ways for gaining perspective is unplugging and sitting on a rocking chair on our porch. While we haven’t tried this rocking chair the reviews are extremely high. The chair has over 20,000 reviews and five stars. I think I may have found Danny’s Christmas present. Shhh! Don’t tell him 😉

I think there’s legal jargon that I’m supposed to include, but Danny will fix this and I’m pretty sure you already know this, but I need to let you know that the items I’ve linked to off of Amazon use my Amazon Affiliate link. (Editor Danny's note: I didn't fix this; also, I'll forget that this is my Christmas present when Christmas gets here.)

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