Stewarding Your Mental Health

by | Sep 16, 2021 | Mental Health

One of the things that I’ve discussed on the blog before is stewarding your health. I think that may be why this article caught my attention and is worth taking a deeper look.

Grigory Yakushev speaks about his experience being fired from Google as one of the best things that happened to his mental health and career. To be clear, he doesn’t agree with the way Google handled his situation, but he has been able to move past Google.

He now describes his being fired as the best thing because it sent him on a journey teaching him about mental health, burnout, and depression. He offers two pieces of advice to people advancing along their career paths.

First, no one expects to get sick, and even the healthiest lifestyles and best genes can not completely prevent illness. So if you feel like there might be a problem — go to the doctor!

Second, remember you are still the same person you were before mental illness hit. You still have the same skills, experiences, and character. However, you don’t owe anyone your last ounce of motivation and creativity. It's ok to take a break from the income treadmill.

I think this is the same advice that anyone would offer to a friend.

However, sometimes it's difficult to give ourselves grace. This article is one more reminder to love yourself as you love your neighbor, give yourself grace, and to steward your mental health well.

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