Could Gratitude Be The Best Marketing Plan Ever?

by | Sep 10, 2021 | Marketing

You can have the best product or service but without a marketing strategy it doesn’t matter. If no one knows about your small business then all the time spent developing your business is in vain. 

So you’ve got to get the word out. Ms. Tilson suggests using gratitude as a marketing tool.

In today’s world we all need some uplifting news and people tend to be attracted to sincerity, gratitude, and joy. She suggests setting a goal for sharing sincere gratitude with your contact list. By regularly sharing gratitude you are building a tribe of good stewards who are investing their time and energy in building robust sincere relationships.

As Christians we are called to be salt and light to the world and this is a small thing we can do to develop good business practices as well as share with our consumers that there is always a reason for hope.

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