Prayer Update 1

Prayer Update 1

I emailed our email list three weeks ago asking for prayer and I wanted to give you some updates. First, the exploratory conversation with the Children's Home went extremely well. We are working on getting licensed as a foster family with Miracle Hill. Second, the...

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Living Hebrews 13:1-7

Living Hebrews 13:1-7

In the fall of 2020 we felt the Lord calling us to something new and different. Maybe even radical. So we sold our house and donated many, maybe most, of our belongings. Like Abraham and Sarah we didn't know where we were going, just that the Lord was leading us and...

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Year In Review & Special Announcement!

Year In Review & Special Announcement!

November 14, 2020 We moved out of our house on Timberlake Road and stepped out on a whirlwind of a journey. I want to do a very brief recap of our journey and then make an announcement! November 2020 We moved out of our home and moved in with friends. February 2021 We...

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